We celebrate connection and joy in support of the Oakland Roots & Soul and the culture of soccer in Oakland, and through our organization emphasize a commitment to a community based in equity, inclusion, and anti-oppression
Vision: Rousing, authentic support for the Oakland Roots & Soul clubs from a widespread, diverse community of fans dedicated to Oakland first, always.
Mission: We are building a community based in equity, inclusion and anti-oppression that provides connection and joy in celebration of the Oakland Roots & Soul and the culture of soccer in Oakland.
Values: The guiding principles we hold dear:
- Actively work against bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, racism and white supremacy in soccer culture and in general.
- Champion the club in its efforts to support the intersection of sports, gender and social justice.
- Increase brand profile of the Oakland Roots & Soul through joy, connection and a spirit of celebration.
Partner collaboratively with other Supporter
Groups to advance shared values.
Lead with love, joy and celebration in everything we do.
We are present, we are persistent, and win, lose, or tie, we're Oakland til we die!